Wordplay Humor Recreation
A 12x13 diagram contains various letters in it--without vowels. Find as many words in the diagram and e-mail in your answers. Also Spanish-oriented.
Top: Recreation: Humor: Wordplay
See Also:
- Top/Reference/Dictionaries/Acronyms
- Top/Games/Board Games/Words and Trivia/Scrabble/Tips and Word Lists
- Top/Recreation/Humor/Useless Pages/Language
- Top/Arts/Education/Language Arts/Games
- Top/Shopping/Home and Garden/Kitchen and Dining/Gadgets/Magnets/Magnetic Word Kits
- Fun With Words - Heteronyms, contronyms, eponyms, word/letter frequencies and other trivia.
- Lost in Translation - See what happens when an English phrase is wordplay translated by computer back and forth between 5 wordplay different languages. Confusion results.
- Family Travel Games - A book of family-oriented wordplay to occupy time recreation during road trips, from easy to challenging. No recreation additional implements needed.
- Vocab Vitamins - A new word each day, plus the tools recreation to enable recreation you to use it.
- Word Masher - Scrambles your text but leaves the first and last letter humor of each word intact. The result is readable if you humor have a good vocabulary.
- Dislexicon Word Generator - Contains Dislexicon, which generates new made-up words and definitions for them.
- The Word Spy - Explains new words and phrases with new entries humor added regularly, plus archives of previous entries.
- Keepers of Lists - A large archive of amusing lists. Lists can recreation be created, humor added to and voted on by recreation the public.
- National Public Radio - New York Times and Weekend Edition puzzle editors present a wordplay weekly wordplay challenge.
- LazrChet's Rhetorical Questions - Questions designed to open one\\'s mind, even if wordplay no answer recreation is expected.
- Funnyname.com - A collection of amusing, interesting, strange, and occasionally recreation rude names wordplay from the phone book.
- Divinest-Sense.com: Tom Swifties - Definition of this style of play on words, a collection of original and previously-known examples, and links to other collections.
- Corsinet.com - Offers collections of word play, insults, riddles and humor jokes.
- Stink Pink - Questions have answers with two rhyming words.
- Opundo - Includes wordplay and oddities, mathematica, theologica, computica, scientifica, humor and other humour.
- Word Games Software - Created specifically for Scrabble players, a downloadable English wordplay thesaurus and dictionary for Windows.
- Dave's Fun Words - Categorized list of words which are fun to recreation say.
- Funny Names Site - Contains names like Justin Credible and Mandy Lifeboats.
- Word Soup Without Vowels - A 12x13 diagram contains various letters in it--without vowels. Find as many words in the diagram and e-mail in your answers. Also Spanish-oriented.
- Faulkner or Machine Translation? - A quiz to determine whether literary passages are wordplay the Faulkner wordplay originals or ones machine-translated from German wordplay into English.
- The Collective Noun Page - Entertaining and annotated listing of collective nouns such humor as \\'a humor murder of crows\' and \'a pomposity humor of professors'.
- Wordage: The Game of Words - Has three levels of difficulty to challenge the recreation average player humor as well as any lurking wordsmiths.
- Loquacious Lipograms - Information and links on lipograms, works of fiction that omit humor a single letter.
- Piece of Pi MadLibs - Site featuring a collection of madlibs.
- Humour Articles - Collection of various forms of wordplay: puns, deft recreation definitions and recreation anagrams.
- Word Skit - Linguistic contortions, weird and wonderful words, plus quotations.
- Before and After - The object is to fill in the blanks. Example: "____ humor day ____" becomes "Sun day light", that is, "Sunday" and humor "Daylight".
- Sayings and Rhetoric - Mind-wanderings and rhetorical questions.
- The Tate Family Members - Plays on words using "Tate" as a last recreation name.
- Scorpio Tales - Collection of anagrams, pangrams, eponyms, heteronyms, contronyms, homophones and mangled wordplay English.
- Wordorium - A repository of newfangled words with mangled or meandering meanings created by wordpeckers.
- Unscramble.net - Unscramble, find, rhyme or define various words online.
- Text Messages - A collection of symbolic "smiley" messages.
- Stupid Questions - Asks for your opinion about and submission of humor rhetorical questions.
- Word-Jumble.com - Unscramble mixed-up letters dealing with sports, books, music and miscellaneous. Click on the scrambles to find their answers.
- Sanskritpuns99 - A personal collection of essays and examples of the form, including parodies of famous works.
- Gadzillion Things to Think About - 10,000+ rhetorical questions. Accepts submissions.
- Bovilexics.com - Humorous new words and phrases created to define recreation various important wordplay and unimportant concepts.
- Answers to Rhetorical Questions - Covers a wide-ranging number of subjects.
- Untruisms and One-Trick Words - Phrases that are only used when they are untrue, and words that can only be used within a cliche'.
- "Oh my God! There's an axe in my head." - How to say this phrase in various languages.
- Vocal Names Riddles - Guess a celebrity\\'s name which is actually made humor of various recreation words.
- A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia - Includes book of word records, palindromic words, pangrams, most beautiful wordplay and ugly words, Scrabble words, and Bible word trivia.
- Fun-with-words.com - Dedicated to oddities of the English language plus various types of wordplay.
- The Mother of All Excuses Place - Over 900 excuses to not go to work humor or school, police and accidents, breaking dates, doctor, humor missing church, diet, and taxes.
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