Anomalies and Alternative Science
Participate in the seven experiments that could change the world. Learn more about the morphogenic fields and the views of Rupert Sheldrake.
Top: Science: Anomalies and Alternative Science
See Also:
- Hyperspace Physics - Visions of the otherworld from several paradigmatic perspectives.
- Rupert Sheldrake On-Line - Participate in the seven experiments that could change science the world. Learn more about the morphogenic fields science and the views of Rupert Sheldrake.
- Theoretical Research within Science, Philosophy, and Society - Discusses new methods of future space transportation, philosophy of the anomalies and alternative science nature of science, why we don\\'t hear from aliens, psychic anomalies and alternative science forces, psychology and sociology.
- A Critique of the Diagonal Method - Problems with transfinite theory, and a suggestion for creating a science new, richer definition of the infinite.
- Harla Quinn's HyperMystic Writing Pad - Homepage of interdimensional investigator and writer Harla Quinn, investigating the Incunabula enigma, Ong\'s Hat, and other dimensional and holographic anomalies.
- Vastu Correction Without Demolition - Information about Vastu Science, Vastu corrections, Yantra.
- Time Before and After - A theory that can\\'t be dismissed with ease. Science, medical science, physics, astronomy.
- Weird Science - Reports of unusual phenomena and skepticism about skepticism.
- Interspecies Communication - Society engaged in efforts to communicate with higher level, nonhumans such as whales and dolphins.
- The Noise Room - Rob Speight gathers news and information on modern science mysteries, ancient history and the new research. Affiliate science book sales.
- Cosmic Oilers - Siberian oil fields are shown to be an analogy for science the metagalaxy or the universe.
- Radiant Pressure Model of Remote Forces - Includes a report which presents data and analysis demonstrating gravitational shielding in our plantary system.
- Society for Scientific Exploration - The primary goal of the international Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) is to provide a professional forum for presentations, criticism, and debate concerning topics which are for various reasons ignored or studied inadequately within mainstream sc
- - A free educational forum dedicated to the dissemination of accurate information in the use of natural, non pharmaceutical medicines and alternative healing therapies in the treatment of disease conditions. Hidden science, free energy, Earth changes.
- Is Native DNA A Helix? - Site presents the argument that the DNA helix theory is incorrect.
- Native Future - Informational links relating to alternative sciences, histories anomalies and alternative science and beliefs for a new era.
- Vastu Hub - Vastu is the study of planetary influences on science buildings and the people who live in them, science and aims at providing guidelines for proper construction.
- Mysterious Universe The UnXplained - Contains information about some of the great mysteries of our time, from cryptozoology to extraterrestrials.
- Truth Seeker Forum - Provides information on ongoing research, exploration and enlightened discussion of subjects such as UFO close encounters, Bigfoot and health sciences.
- The Little Scroll - The solution to the riddle of life and consciousness.
- Alternative Perspectives - Ideas on astronomy, cosmology, biology, philosophy, physics and psychology.
- World Mystery Research Center - Offers information about many topics including crystal skulls, crop circles, science UFOs, and the bible code.
- The Interactive On-line Encyclopaedia of the Unexplained - Information and articles, including cryptozoology, UFOs, crop circles, and ghosts.
- Quintessence of the Loon - Compilation of "weirdness and madness on the World Wide Web": science websites showing either "detachment from reality or a glorious obsession science by the site owner." Includes annotated directory of sites about science many anomalous topics, such as alien
- Ingeneza - Life, brain and mind - quantum physics, DNA, genetic information, atom, nucleus, quark, gluon, meson, strong nuclear forces, crystal, crystalline, water molecule, protein, metamorphosis.
- Dreamland - Weekly updated website for a radio program that deals with the environment and anomalies.
- The Science of Superstitions - Is the difference between superstition and science, the normal and the paranormal that big?
- Area51.Org - Dedicated to conspiracies and the paranormal. Publishes unexplained news items and reports sent in by members of the public.
- Stabilizing and Destabilizing Influences - Weak fluctuations in the planetary gravitational field have anomalies and alternative anomalies and alternative science science a non-linear influence on structure-building processes.
- Unified Theory - Includes several open letters to Stephen Hawking on the completion of Unified Field Theory.
- Alchemical Garden at the Edge of Time - Includes online information on alchemy and other subjects in divided sections, including images, alchemical texts, bibliographical material on the printed books and manuscripts, and general reference material.
- - E-publisher concentrating on alternative science, history and medicine. science Rocket, Softbook and PDF formats.
- Spiritualism, Modern Science and Ancient History - An analysis of Hindu scientific beliefs and a science call to anomalies and alternative science initiate research on ancient science. By science Rakesh Maniktala.
- Numeric Structures of the Genetic Code - The number of protons contained in every amino acid and anomalies and alternative science the configuration of DNA\\'s bases of their respective genetic coding anomalies and alternative science are connected by numeric phenomena.
- The Living Cosmos - An extension of The Gaia Hypothesis covering geology, planetary origins and cosmology.
- Quantum Unitary Field Dynamics - The principles developed for condensed states of matter science are used to define quantum fields, life and science consciousness.
- Kronia - A fundamental paradigm shift. Interdisciplinary investigations.
- Earthfiles - Environmental anomalies. Updated reports about science, medicine, the environment and science real X-Files.
- Kirlian Research Network - Features kirlian aura photographs and information about consulting services offered.
- 'dr'dees/channel 7 - Alchemy, magic, readings, old secrets, new discoveries. A science variety of topics, including alchemy, history.
- Theory of Enformed Systems - A universal conserved organizing principle called enformy is anomalies and alternative science the basis for holistic science which explains life, anomalies and alternative science consciousness and psi phenomena.
- Recoveredscience - E-books about riddles in science, including ancient astronomy, prime number patterns, medical abuses. Text partially or wholly free.
- Full Spectrum - Photographing the electromagnetic field around animate and inanimate objects using science the Kirlian camera to show subtle energy fields.
- Farshores Anomalous Phenomena Resource - Ancient mysteries is a section of Farshores and is regularly updated with articles, news and stories relating to alternate archaeology. A world the way it may have been.
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