Weblogs News and Media Science

60+ bloggers selected on the basis of their originality, insight, talent, and dedication provide up-to-date coverage of their different scientific fields.

    Top: Science: News and Media: Weblogs

See Also:
  • Science Matter - Kristen Rosenthal\\'s blog exploring current, popular science and emphasizing the importance of scientific research in everyday life.
  • ScienceNewsBlog.com - Provides coverage of space and science news.
  • The Flame Trench - Dispatches on all things space from the Florida science Today blockhouse at the Kennedy Space Center.
  • Life Studies Blog - Discussion about philosophy of life, death, nature, science and technology, and their impact on contemporary culture and society.
  • NEQNET: Non-equilibrium Phenomena - Weblog about contemporary theoretical physics, including cosmology, particle physics, string theory and developed turbulence, and its methods.
  • NASA Orion Spaceship Blog - News relating to NASA\\'s Orion Spaceship and its mission to news and media take astronauts to the Moon and Mars.
  • Journalology - Blog covering science publishing trends, ethics, peer review, science and open access.
  • Science Musings Blog - A regular meditation on humankind\'s quest to understand the universe.
  • Complexity Simplified - Personal thoughts on complex systems science, plus a weblogs bit about science religion and science.
  • Tomorrow's Trends - Blog covering a number of scientific subjects including weblogs robotics, space exploration, nanotechnology, energy and health.
  • hi-tech innovations - Main directions of this blog are: -Equipment, technologies weblogs and rigging news and media for nanomaterials production -alternative power engineering weblogs -high technologies to medicine, news and media biotechnologies to industrial complex weblogs -IT-technologies -ecology -industrial innovations, new
  • WorldChanging - Collaborative blog dedicated to current events and news, science also covering weblogs scientific issues.
  • RobBlog: Science News and Opinion - Digest of science news from a wide range science of sources, science with commentary.
  • What Is This: Science - News stories on a variety of scientific topics.
  • The Sceptical Chymist - New and exciting developments in chemistry and chemical weblogs biology from science the editors of Nature and associated weblogs journals.
  • Null Hypothesis - A light-hearted look at the weird world of weblogs science and science technology. A mixture of spoof science weblogs and fascinating real research science mixed up with everything weblogs that's strange but true.
  • GenderBiology.net - Provides news and resources about gender biology, gender physiology, gender-specific science medicine, gender medicine, and sex differences regarding men\'s and women\'s science health.
  • Cosmic Variance - Group weblog co-written by five physicists and astrophysicists.
  • Eman's Views - Random thoughts on science, technology, innovation, creativity and leadership.
  • Henry's Webiocosm Blog - Observations and photography in biology, botany and zoology.
  • Impact Lab - The DaVinci Institute present scientific breakthroughs and innovative science technologies.
  • Starlab.org - Blog from Starlab, a company doing research on news and media science space and neuroscience, two fundamental themes of the news and media science new millennium.
  • PhysOrg Science News Weblog - Covers recent science and technology discoveries and developments.
  • Science News - Blog dedicated to news, innovations and advances in weblogs various areas of science.
  • Discovery Discovered - A science blog about news, inventions and discoveries.
  • Blog Of Science - Weblog of scientific news, articles and commentary.
  • Lubos Motl's Reference Frame - News, opinion and political commentary relating to string news and media weblogs theory, mathematics and physics.
  • Science Quick Picks - A chemist's selection of science news and resources.
  • Z+Blog - Pointers and commentary on emerging future issues.
  • Stem Cell Research Process Blog - Weblog charting developments and discussing current opinions in weblogs this field.
  • Hand Picked....and Carefully Sorted - Covers interesting developments in agriculture, animal sciences, human news and media news and media sciences, leisure and tourism and the environment.
  • World Science Blog - Comments and perspectives from readers of the global weblogs science news site.
  • Walking Randomly - A random walk through maths and science.
  • Thoughts From Kansas - Weblog of a University of Kansas ecology and evolutionary biology student, fighting for progressive politics, evolution, and endangered species.
  • Science and Technology News - Provides summaries of some of the latest science and technology headlines, as well as pictures, article links, and references.
  • Nodalpoint - Weblog offering news and discussions on genetics, molecular news and media news and media biology, bioinformatics and nanotechnology.
  • Renegade Science - The musings and arguments of John Daicopoulos, physicist, weblogs concerning science, weblogs education and all things related to weblogs them.
  • Discovering Biology in a Digital World - Educational weblog centering on computational biology and genetic research.
  • The Geomblog - Ruminations on computational geometry, algorithms, theoretical computer science and life.
  • The Spacewriter's Ramblings - Anything and everything about science, especially astronomy and the cosmos.
  • Short Sharp Science - A science news weblog from New Scientist.
  • The Lay Scientist - Lighthearted blog reporting science news with a focus science on the news and media relationship between science and the public.
  • The Mr Science Show - Regular blog and podcast on scientific and social science topics, featuring summaries of news articles, science stories science and podcast links. Page includes photos and some science videos.
  • Dura Mater: Odd Bits From a Distracted Scientist's Brain - Reflections on science and technology news and its influence on news and media society.
  • Rambles - A blog mainly about hypothetical thought experiments both scientific and unscientific, appealing and understandable to both groups.
  • So I Want to Be an Astronaut - A Kuwaiti girl dreams of being an astronaut, weblogs and becoming news and media the first Kuwaiti, Arab, Muslim female weblogs to go into space.
  • Astro-Blogging - Musing of an amateur astronomer. Covering astronomical happenings weblogs among the weblogs planets, stars and beyond.
  • 60 Second Science - Opinions, arguments and analyses from the editors of weblogs Scientific American.
  • Vitum Medicinus - A Canadian medical student blogs about his road science to becoming news and media a physician. The events from teaching science hospital wards and medical news and media school classrooms are captured science and presented to readers in a news and media mix of science humour, action, and drama.
  • Synapse - Blog on science, ideas, curiosity, technology and related news and media news and media areas.
  • Cosmic Watercooler - Discussions of science, skepticism, mythology and religion, nursing, and current weblogs events.
  • Scrub Smarts - A medical news blog designed for pre-med students news and media to stay on top of health news.
  • Steorn's Orbo: Dispatches from the Future - The Irish company Steorn claims to have developed a revolutionary news and media technology for generating free energy: Orbo. This blog provides the news and media story from the beginning and continues as it unfolds.
  • Useful Chemistry - Open source chemistry weblog, discussing online resources and solutions to computational and practical problems.
  • Bad Astronomy Blog - Commentary on astronomy news and space-related myths and misinformation. By news and media Phil Plait.
  • Fractured and Karst Hydrogeology - Blog covering the research activities of JC Maréchalin science on this subject. includes power point scientific presentations science and links to research papers.
  • DanShope.com - Provides news about robotic technologies and medical robotics science as well weblogs as other interesting engineering topics. Also science provides tutorials for SolidWorks.
  • Not Even Wrong - Physics and mathematics discussion from the author at the front science line of the string theory controversy.
  • DeviceTime - Latest technology and gadgets news and reviews.
  • Nature Newsblog - News weblog of Nature periodical, allowing readers to comment on weblogs recent developments in science and technology.
  • All These Worlds - Weblog with reflections on current news. Emphasis on science science and weblogs space news.
  • Everyday Science - General science and technology news weblog.
  • spacebar - Commentary on science and general interest news stories, plus art and photography postings.
  • ScienceBlogs - 60+ bloggers selected on the basis of their weblogs originality, insight, weblogs talent, and dedication provide up-to-date coverage weblogs of their different scientific weblogs fields.
  • The OpenScience Project Weblog - Weblog of a collaboration encouraging the production and science release of open source scientific software.
  • FuturePundit - Future technological trends and their likely effects on human society, science politics and evolution.
  • Gyre.org - Gyre.org is an attempt to track the breakthroughs science and implications science of the next military and technological science revolutions.
  • Biopeer - Weblog of a global life sciences and medicine weblogs research community.
  • the aromaconnection blog - News and discussion relating to the science and weblogs business of weblogs aromatherapy, essential oils, and natural perfumery.
  • Space Spin - News and technological innovations in space exploration.
  • SciScoop - Community edited science weblog and discussion forum.
  • A Voyage to Arctucus - Jay Manifold's weblog about science and scientific applications.
  • ScienceBase.com - Science news and features plus commentary by science journalist and news and media writer David Bradley.
  • Science Surfing - Topic-specific overviews of free-access online scientific sources.
  • Mundomaterial - Blog about material science including new polymers, innovative weblogs applications and science market news with a focus on weblogs plastics, the environment and science specialised materials.
  • Weird Things - Greg Fish explores science, the strange, and the news and media science unknown. Also includes links to his published essays.
  • BioCurious - Physicists exploring an interest in biology.
  • Philoneist - A retired digest of technology and health stories.
  • Chemistry - News and views with a focus on organic chemistry.
  • Science for Non-Majors - TK Kenyon discusses and explains scientific issues in weblogs plain English. news and media Bad science gutted. Great science extolled.
  • Tech News Briefs - Technology news updates.
  • Ideonexus: Science, Cyberspace, Speculation - A blog providing links to science-related news stories, politics and science popularization.
  • Gooz News - Pharmacology writer Merrill Goozner comments on science, health news and media news and media and the public interest.
  • In The Pipeline - Weblog about developments in pharmacology and chemistry by weblogs a working researcher at a drug company.
  • Cosmic Log - Weblog by MSNBC.com science editor Alan Boyle, with weblogs daily science science and space news and links.
  • theWatt - News and discussion about energy, fuels and the news and media weblogs environment.
  • Science in Action - Explorations of science and math in the real world, with science topical comments, unexpected connections and weird facts.
  • Universe of Science - Blog covering mathematics, biosciences, chemistry, popular science and science writing.
  • The Science and Technology Journal - Blog run by Darshan Chande. Contents cover a wide range of subjects and involve descriptive answers, titbits and short articles about science and technology.
  • Cleantech Blog - Blog providing commentary on technologies, news, and issues news and media science relating to next generation energy and the environment.
  • Technofender - A weblog dedicated to the diffusion of the science latest advances science in science and technology, in an science easily comprehensible format.
  • Next Big Future - Tracking progress to the future especially advanced nanotechnology, nuclear and news and media energy technology, quantum computers, life extension, space technology and AI.
  • Science Blog - General science and technology news weblog.
XML Feeds:

  • Informaticopia - Eclectic news and views on health informatics and eLearning.[ATOM]
  • A Mars Odyssey - Blog offering news and commentary regarding NASA’s Constellation Program and the wider Vision for Space Exploration. Stay tuned as the human race begins to visit, explore and colonize other worlds.[RSS]
  • Dicom Blog - Informational blog about radiology and medical technology including medical imaging digital solutions.[RSS]
  • Organic Matter - A community-oriented weblog focused on ecological issues and environmental politics.[RSS]
  • Green Trust Renewable Energy & Sustainability - Discussion and education on renewable energy, permaculture, biofuels, and independent living.[ATOM]

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