Simulations Black Holes Relativity Physics
Simulated images of a gradual descent into a black hole, provided by Ute Kraus (Theoretical Astrophysics group at Tübingen University).
Top: Science: Physics: Relativity: Black Holes: Simulations
Editor's Picks:
Virtual Trips to Black Holes and Neutron Stars

- Geometry around Black Holes - Web exhibition with visualizations of various properties of simulations both Schwarzschild relativity black holes and rotating (Kerr) black simulations holes, such as curvature, relativity light cones, and the simulations gravitational frequency shift, produced by the relativity Danish physics simulations student Michael Cramer Anders
- Step by Step into a Black Hole - Simulated images of a gradual descent into a black hole, provided by Ute Kraus (Theoretical Astrophysics group at Tübingen University).
- Falling into a Black Hole - Shows what it would be like to approach, orbit, and black holes finally fall into a black hole; created by Andrew Hamilton black holes (University of Colorado at Boulder).
- Orbits in Strongly Curved Spacetime - A JAVA applet which simulates the orbit of black holes a black holes low mass test particle orbiting a non-rotating black holes black hole. black holes Created by John Walker.
- Numerical Relativity: Towards Simulations of 3D Black Hole Coalescence - Review article by Ed Seidel (then at the Max Planck simulations Institute for Gravitational Physics) which discusses recent developments in numerical simulations relativity. The main focus is the progress made in simulating simulations the evolution of fully three-dimensional black holes.
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