United Kingdom Megaliths Alternative Archaeology

A campaign to re-establish the Stonehenge Free Festival, and for free access to the Stones for all who come in peace, especially at solstices and equinoxes.

    Top: Science: Social Sciences: Archaeology: Alternative: Megaliths: United Kingdom

See Also:
  • Stonehenge-Avebury - Meteorologist Terence Meaden claims to have discovered carvings of faces and heads in these famous stone circles in Wessex.
  • Britannia: Earth Mysteries - A collection of articles by Chris Witcombe, John Michell and megaliths Geoffry Ashe taking a \\'holistic\\' approach to the study of megaliths ancient sites and landscapes. Megaliths are mixed with Morris dancing, megaliths druids and ley lines.
  • Stonehenge Math - Mathematical discovery, based on Stonehenge, that allegedly proves megaliths that the universe was created by God.
  • The Stonehenge Campaign - A campaign to re-establish the Stonehenge Free Festival, and for free access to the Stones for all who come in peace, especially at solstices and equinoxes.
  • stonehenge.tv - Bruce Bedlam shares his unusual theories on how alternative and why alternative Stonehenge was built.
  • Mystical World Wide Web: Stone Circles of England - M. Turford\\'s text-only guide by county, giving megaliths grid references megaliths and brief descriptions.
  • Stones of Wonder - An online guidebook to prehistoric monuments in Scotland megaliths which megaliths have orientations to the sun, moon megaliths or stars.
  • Isle of Avalon: Glastonbury Tor - Facts and legends concerning this holy hill. Photos, united kingdom maps, megaliths stories and ley alignments.

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