Jediism Fictional Religion and Spirituality
The Temple of the Jedi Force is a religious community united in our mutual quest for understanding of the universe which we inhabit and the primal Force that set all creation in motion.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Fictional: Jediism
See Also:
- Jedi sanctuary - Provides a large collection of writings regarding Jedi philosophy as religion and spirituality well as a forum for general discussion.
- Temple Of The Jedi Force - Learn the religion of jediism - Become a Jedi Knight - The Temple of the Jedi Force is a fictional religious community united in our mutual quest for fictional understanding of the universe which we inhabit and fictional the primal Force that set all creation in fictional motion.
- Jedi Knight Movement - Mailing list. Public archives and unmoderated discussion.
- Jediism - Mailing list. Offers online archives available to the public. Discussion fictional is limited to subscribers but is unmoderated.
- Jedi academy online - Focuses on the study and development of Jedi fictional philosophy.
- The Jedi Creed - Information about the Jedi culture, the Force and their corresponding fictional philosophies. Also includes a Jedi encyclopedia of Jedi information.
- The Jediism Way - The Jediism Way provides information about the real-life Jedi religion, jediism as well as a discussion forum and chat.
- 21 Maxims of the Jediism Code « The Force Holocron - The Force Holocron lists the 21 maxims of the Jedi Code and the personal search for the Jedi mysteries.
- The Philosophy Science and Religion of the Star Wars Films - This site explains the science, religion, and philosophy of the fictional Jedi.
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