Fictional Religion and Spirituality Society
The Church of the Grey is a religion based on individual choice. Members write their own holy book and laws, based on the guidelines given by the leaders of the church.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Fictional
See Also:
- Top/Society/Religion and Spirituality/Opposing Views
- Top/Society/Religion and Spirituality/Religious Tolerance
- Top/Society/Religion and Spirituality/Modern Movements
- Top/Society/Philosophy/Philosophy of Religion
- No illuminati - This site has videos,photos,and info, about the Illuminati and the New World Order.
- The Church of Tetris - This is a group which worships the game religion and spirituality Tetris and seeks to enlighten all in the religion and spirituality playing of the game.
- The Church of Tina Chopp - The church of bizarre sex, snake fondling and fictional vegetable sacrifice.
- The Unreality Cult - A new philosophy and a different way of society looking at the world.
- The Online Book of Jeremias - Created by a grade 11 student for a society project in World Religions class, outlining the fictional society religion of the "Azurra'ynn".
- The Church of the Grey - The Church of the Grey is a religion based on religion and spirituality individual choice. Members write their own holy book and laws, religion and spirituality based on the guidelines given by the leaders of the religion and spirituality church.
- Monkey Of Asia Society - The Monkey of Asia Society is fixed on religion and spirituality changing ourselves back into our superior monkey selves.
- Bokononism - This is a religion created in the fiction religion and spirituality society of writer Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. It promotes the religion and spirituality society idea that the only truly sacred thing is religion and spirituality society man.
- Holy Order of the Lemon - Patron saint of the order is 19th-century French socialist Charles Fourier, who believed in the overthrow of civilization and the founding of a "society of harmony" in which all passions and manias would be encouraged, after which the ocean woul
- JCWWFETBSPBTAATCOS Fellowship - A satirical religion celebrating many different faiths in fictional order to get more holidays from work.
- First Church of Tiger Woods - Prayer, history and the "Ten Tiger Commandments." fictional Attempts to fictional answer whether God golfs and whether fictional Tiger Woods is fictional God.
- First Reformed Church of SpongeBob Squarepants - An alternative religion for those who whish to fictional experience Nautical religion and spirituality Nonsense by following the teachings of fictional Sponge Bob Square Pants.
- Church of Daler Mehndi - Dedicated to the worship of the Divine Turban of Daler Mehndi. The Church also ordains Priests of the Mehndi and the Turban.
- The Church of Google - Followers believe the search engine Google is the fictional closest humankind has ever come to directly experiencing fictional a Deity, as Google exhibits many of the fictional characteristics typically associated with Gods.
- Universal Church of the Interactive Network - Offers email, web and other directives to help religion and spirituality society mankind achieve global consciousness via the medium of religion and spirituality society the Internet and in doing so make us religion and spirituality society a viable active member of the universe.
- Wallism and the Divine Masonry - A humorous site dedicated to the worship of the holy Wall, the Great Divider, most stoic of deities.
- The Church of the Gerbil - A religion centered around the belief that God society is a fictional gerbil who has influenced all of society history and changed the fictional course of mankind.
- The official website of Penelopism. - The official website of Penelopism.
- Church of the Benevolent Deities - This is an organization which believes in combining society divine manifestations, such as peace, goodness, and wisdom society with laughter and satire in order to create society a religious corporation. It promotes "Jester Prophets" as society well as the individual's right t
- Panda Bearism/Sluggism - A site about the fictional religions of Sluggism and Panda society Bearism. Also has a poll(s) and a forum.
- Church of the Holy Flip - The Church of Holy Flip is a game-based society fictional religion. society All Believers can worship Flip and society join his religion with society the rituals and Flip society language contained within the website.
- Lucindarianism - The religion states that the purpose of life is not fictional to worship La-Lu (Lady-Lucinda, their deity); but to live peacefully fictional and happily. Some mildly adult/risque content.
- The Followers of Frodo - Guidance under the greatness of the Almighty Frodo society Baggins. Salvation of the soul and protection in society the coming of his judgement.
- 345th Intergalactic Ambulance Wing - Explores traditional aspects of sprituality from a science fiction, narrative therapy point of view.
- The Holy Order of Sockism - A brief history and background information to the religion of religion and spirituality sockism. This site provides a valuable insight into the fundamental religion and spirituality features of the faith.
- The Grate Church of Moo - The sacred cow revealed through testimony, quotes, posters, and hymns.
- John Stamos' Shrine - A site dedicated to the belief that the actor John fictional Stamos is the Messiah sent from God to save humanity.
- The Oceanic Brotherhood - The site of the Oceanic Brotherhood, a religion founded by fictional the prophets of the ocean.
- Dake-Bonoism - This Uncyclopedia entry includes a fairly complete description religion and spirituality society of Dake-Bonoism, a synthesis of pentecostal teachings and religion and spirituality society the lyrics of Bono, lead singer for the religion and spirituality society Irish band U2.
- The Church of Last Thursday - A religion based on the idea that the fictional universe was created last Thursday, but designed so fictional as to appear much older.
- Timothean Religion - The Timothean religion seeks to restore the Earth religion and spirituality fictional back to God\\'s Kingdom. They do not take religion and spirituality fictional the Bible literally and are not considered Christians, religion and spirituality fictional though they believe that Christ is God.
- Herbertism - A website for information on the only religion based around religion and spirituality a rubber duck.
- Brawlstoneism - A cult based on three drunk guys. Links religion and spirituality to band's music included.
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