The IAS Advantage
The difference between a web site that outperforms the competition and one that merely exists is often in the details. The advantages listed below are standard features on web sites designed by Internet Advertising Solutions.

Custom Site Design
There is no such thing as "one size fits all" when it comes to web sites. Your web site will be designed with your company's unique needs and goals in mind.
User-Friendly Interface
Your web site will be designed to be easy to navigate and to provide superior readability. Streamlined navigation, site search functions where appropriate and a clean, crisp design. As much as possible the "three click rule" will be adhered to - visitors should have to click no more than three times to reach the content they're looking for, drop the item in their shopping cart, etc.
Fast Load Time
According to a recent survey, the number one reason visitors leave a web site is because of it loading too slowly. Your web site will be designed to load quickly by using carefully constructed HTML code and optimized graphics.
Image Enhancement
All web page graphics are fine-tuned to strike a balance between good visual clarity and fast download time. Graphics can be scanned from your existing brochures or photos, or can be supplied digitally.
Browser Independent Design
There are dozens of different web browsers currently being used, including Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Opera, and Mosaic. Added to the mix are various version levels of each browser. A web site may look good using the latest version of Firefox, but what about Internet Explorer version 6? Or a browser without JavaScript or Flash capability?
A web site design that does not take these variations into consideration may create unpleasant results. Your web site will be designed for the most consistent appearance possible in all of the major web browsers. In addition, sites are tested using several versions of the most popular web browsers prior to going live. Any site design components that use advanced features will be carefully analyzed and discussed with you to help ensure compatibility.

Search Engine Optimization
Having a great web site isn't enough - it must be found. Most people find web sites via the major search engines and directories by typing in a keyword or phrase. Which sites appear in the search results depend on how that particular search engine ranks pages. Certain techniques can be used during the web site development process to help attain high rankings on pre-selected keywords.
Your web site will be created with a goal of the best possible ranking with the top Internet search engines. Each web page on your site will be optimized for the particular content of that page, and then submitted to the top Internet search engines.
Easy Bookmark for Easy Return
Your web site will be designed so that all pages within the site are easily bookmarked by visitors for later return. The technique used to do this also makes it much easier for visitors to print out site content for future reference.
Error 404 Capture Pages
Since web sites undergo constant changes, occasionally obsolete pages will be removed from the server. A person trying to access such a page would normally encounter a cryptic error message. Your web site will be designed so visitors will be presented with a user-friendly notification that the page has been removed and then redirected to the home page, thus keeping them on your site.
Privacy Policy
Every web site should have a privacy policy explaining to site visitors how their information will be used. Your web site will have a privacy policy as part of the design package, which can be modified to suit your needs.
Contact Page
Your web site will have a contact page as part of the design package, which can be modified to suit your needs.
ALT Image Tags
This important part of the HTML code serves several functions: it allows text to appear in place of images for text-based browsers to navigate and view your site, it allows visually impaired visitors to navigate your site using special software, and some search engines use ALT tags as part of their ranking algorithms. Your web site will have these tags included for all critical images and icons.
Section 508 Accessibility
Your web site will meet the U.S. government's Section 508 accessibility criteria for visitors with disabilities such as vision impairment or color blindness.
You Own The Site
Some web site designers retain ownership of your web site even after it's completed and paid for. Not so with Internet Advertising Solutions. At the completion of the project all copyrights and site ownership will be transferred to your company. A CD-ROM or diskette containing your web site files will be sent to you upon request.
Web Site Backups
Internet Advertising Solutions will maintain a backup of all web site content developed here. In the unlikely event files are lost or damaged IAS can restore them quickly.
Web Design Support
A web site is a dynamic creation and undergoes constant changes to maintain content and to keep a fresh look. From time to time you may need additional web design work to maintain your site, and Internet Advertising Solutions is there to help. Turnaround time is very quick and at reasonable rates - and if you host your web site with IAS the design rate is discounted even further!