Humanities Arts

A catalogue organized to collect, preserve and promote re-use of the electronic resources which result from research in the arts and humanities.

    Top: Arts: Humanities

See Also:
Editor's Picks:

Voice of the Shuttle* - Portal maintained by Alan Liu of the University of California, Santa Barbara. Features a history of the project, news and offers visitors the opportunity to participate by becoming volunteer editors.

  • Humanities Interactive - Texas Council for the Humanities Resource Center presents arts interactive exhibits, games, and lessons.
  • California Council For The Humanities - Nonprofit organization devoted to strengthening communities by creating, sponsoring and humanities promoting change.
  • CTI Centre for Textual Studies - Features links to resources in Literature, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Classics, Film Studies, and Theater Arts. Also offers a calendar of events and publications. Hosted by the Humanities Computing Unit at the University of Oxford.
  • Arts and Letters Daily - Daily report of news in art and literature. Includes reviews humanities of new books, essays and articles.
  • The EServer - Serves as a broad resource for a wide variety of humanities literature-related materials, including text archives of both prose and poetry, humanities fiction and non-fiction, as well as and other types of humanities literature resources.
  • Stanford Humanities Laboratory - Cultivates new ways of producing and presenting knowledge arts in the humanities. Provides an overview of current arts research, news, staff profiles, and student opportunities.
  • National Humanities Institute - Promotes research, publishing, and teaching in the humanities, with emphasis arts on the ethical preconditions and purposes of culture and society.
  • Interdisciplines - A website for interdisciplinary research in the humanities. arts The site allows for the organization of interdisciplinary arts symposiums whose quality is guaranteed by an international arts scientific committee.
  • Event Horizon: A Journal of the Sciences and Humanities - Studies in the sciences and humanities from the Department of arts English at Rutgers University.
  • American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences, social arts sciences, arts, and humanities and conducts a varied program of arts projects and studies responsive to the needs of society. Features arts publications in PDF format, news, events calenda
  • Australian Humanities Review - Peer-reviewed interdisciplinary electronic journal of the humanities published quarterly. Features full-text articles, contact details for the editorial board, as well as information for authors.
  • Irish Resources in the Humanities - Directory of humanities sites of Irish interest. humanities Categories humanities include Irish Archaeology, Architecture, Archives humanities and Libraries, Art, Geography, humanities History, Irish Language, Literature humanities and Theatre.
  • Utah Humanities Council - Promotes lifelong learning using the humanities as a arts process of reflection, conversation and action. Features a arts description of the organization and activities. Also offers arts a calendar of events and contact details.
  • Modern Humanities Research Association - Promotes advanced study and research in the field humanities of the modern humanities, especially modern European languages humanities and literatures (including English).
  • Arts and Humanities Data Service - A catalogue organized to collect, preserve and promote re-use of arts the electronic resources which result from research in the arts arts and humanities.
  • Humanities - Collections by subject--provided by Stanford University.
  • Penn Humanities Forum - University of Pennsylvania hosted program that provides a common ground for interdisciplinary exchange through cultural programs, fellowships and seminars. Features information on the program, calendar of events and links to related resources.
  • The Stanford Electronic Humanities Review - Online version of the semi-annual interdisciplinary journal. Includes full contents of recent issues.
  • Emily's Page for the Humanities - A collection of annotated links to general resources. Contains sections devoted to texts online, journals and Medieval and Renaissance links.
  • ETD - A clearing-house for information related to electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) hosted by Matthew Kirschenbaum of the University of Virginia Library. Directory is broken down by discipline and features links to completed and works in progress.
  • Humanities and Social Sciences Internet Resources - A directory of links hosted by the Faculty of Arts arts and Science, University of Toronto. Features a selection of general arts resources, as well as links to journals and information on arts scholarly publishing.
  • Center for the Humanities - Supports individual teaching and research projects as well arts as serves humanities as a communications resource for school arts programs and activities at humanities Wesleyan University. Information on arts lecture series and the Andrew Mellon humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship.
  • Virgin Islands Humanities Council - Nonprofit organization supporting research, education and public projects in the humanities.
  • In Other Words: A Lexicon of the Humanities - Site features basic glossaries, quotations, and bibliographies per discipline.
  • Washington Commission For The Humanities - Dedicated to improving individual and community life through arts public programs that interpret culture and provide a arts forum for civic dialogue.

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