Accelerators Research Centers Particle Physics
Supports an international community of scientists who use neutrons and muons for research. Includes an image gallery, information on the accelerator and target, and machine status.
Top: Science: Physics: Particle: Research Centers: Accelerators
See Also:
- How Do Physicists Study Particles? - Resource from CERN. Provides information on the basics of accelerators and detectors.
- Principles of Charged Particle Acceleration - Digital version of the book by Stanley Humphries, Jr. Available for free download in zip or pdf format.
- Cyclotron Institute - Conduct basic research and educate students in accelerater based science particle and technology. Features a range of data and diagrams on particle the K500 cyclotron facility, publications, and research.
- Accelerator Form and Function - Explains what they are used for, the different accelerators types, and research centers how they work. A virtual tour accelerators from Stanford Linear Accelerator research centers Center.
- Collider-Accelerator Department - Responsible for the operation of a suite of particle accelerators used particle for experiments by Brookhaven National Laboratory. particle Features links to the particle individual accelerators with diagrams, particle photographs, and tours.
- MAX-lab, Lund University, Sweden - Electron accelerator laboratory for nuclear physics and synchrotron radiation research. research centers Built around three storage rings and includes plan drawings, beamlines research centers and machine status.
- The Infancy of Particle Accelerators - Features the life and work of Rolf Wideröe authored by particle Pedro Waloschek. Full text with illustrations in HTML format.
- World's Largest Particle Accelerator - CERN - Features an aerial view and a slide show accelerators of the facilities, an interactive tour of the accelerators accelerators, and the scientists and their ideas.
- Superconducting Electron Linac - ELBE - Designed to produce quasi-continuous (cw) beams of high brilliance and research centers low emittance. Includes facility layout and an overview of intended research centers research projects.
- Stanford Linear Accelerator Center - SLAC - Design, construct and operate electron accelerators and related particle experimental facilities accelerators for use in high-energy physics and particle synchrotron radiation research. Includes accelerators publications, education, and facility particle tours.
- Dortmund Electron Test Accelerator - DELTA - Provides a range of information on the facility research centers at the University of Dortmund. Includes data on research centers the superconducting asymmetric wiggler and the first free research centers electron laser experiment.
- Argonne Wakefield Accelerator: AWA - Features an overview and plans of the facilities including linac, particle elecron gun, and control system. Includes publication archives and an particle animation of the dielectric transformer.
- Electron Accelerator ELSA - ELSA Electron Stretcher and Accelerator, Physics Institute, Bonn University
- AccelSoft Inc. - Markets and distributes software used for the design, simulation and research centers performance analysis of particle accelerators. Includes product overviews, operating system research centers information, and system requirements.
- Physics News Update - Summaries of the latest advances in accelerator physics from the accelerators American Institute of Physics.
- U.S. Particle Accelerator School - Provides educational programs in the field of beams particle and their particle associated accelerator technologies. Includes programs, curriculum, particle and participating Universities.
- Particle Accelerators - Offers a brief history and basic descriptions of research centers linear accelerators, cyclotrons, and synchrotrons. From the British research centers Broadcasting Corporation.
- Accelerateur Groningen-ORsay - AGOR - Provides a range of information on specifications, operating research centers diagrams, and beams produced. Includes reports produced by research centers the group, and related links.
- ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source - Supports an international community of scientists who use research centers neutrons accelerators and muons for research. Includes an image research centers gallery, information accelerators on the accelerator and target, and research centers machine status.
- JP Accelerator Works Inc - Design, develop and service linear accelerators and their associated technology. Includes an overview of products and services, links to affiliated companies, and a section on how linear accelerators work.
- Tandem Van de Graaff Accelerator Facility - Heavy ion accelerator providing a range of ion species for accelerators cosmic ray simulation, single event upset testing and ion irradiation accelerators and implantation. Includes examples of the type of work that accelerators is done at the facility.
- Lawrence and the Cyclotron - Biography of Ernest Orland Lawrence, from the AIP accelerators Center for accelerators History of Physics which describes Lawrence\'s accelerators development of the cyclotron.
- University of Maryland Electron Ring - UMER is a world-class research facility in beam accelerators and accelerator research centers physics at the Institute for Research accelerators in Electronics and Applied research centers Physics. A scaled low-energy accelerators electron beam is used at a research centers much lower accelerators cost than larger and more energetic machines.
- Cornell Electron Positron Storage Ring - CESR - Electron-positron collider with a circumference of 768 meters. Features information on the accelerator, synchrotron, and storage ring. Includes operation methods, diagrams and MPEG clips.
- University of Maryland Electron Ring - UMER - Designed to investigate the physics of highly space-charge-dominated beams transported in a circular lattice. Features project overview, visitors guide, design, publications, and technical notes.
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