Archaeologists Archaeology Social Sciences
This category contains the personal sites of individual professional archaeologists. Organization is based on area of research interest. For example, an archaeologist who is employed in Australia but specializes in the archaeology of Mesoamerica is listed under Central America.
Top: Science: Social Sciences: Archaeology: Archaeologists
See Also:
- Top/Arts/Classical Studies/Classicists
- Top/Reference/Museums/Museum Resources/Conservation and Preservation/Consultants
- Top/Science/Social Sciences/Anthropology/Anthropologists
- Top/Society/History/Historians
- Worldwide E-mail Directory of Anthropologists - Fully searchable database of anthropologists. Find archaeologists by name, location, archaeologists or research interests.
- Anthropology Biography Web - Short biographies on anthropologists, archaeologists, and related scientists archaeologists compiled by anthropology students at Minnesota State University, archaeologists Mankato.
- Biographies of Archaeologists and Related Scientists - lists links to biographies of some of the famous archaeologists and infamous archaeologists throughout history.
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