Ireland Europe Archaeologists Archaeology

List compiled by Thaddeus C. Breen of E-mail addresses of professional archaeologists, postgraduate students and companies working in, or doing research into, Irish archaeology.

    Top: Science: Social Sciences: Archaeology: Archaeologists: Europe: Ireland

See Also:
  • Cooney, Gabriel - Profile of this University College Dublin Professor. Research archaeologists interests include stone axe studies, and the Irish archaeologists Neolithic in its wider European context.
  • E-mail Directory for Irish Archaeology - List compiled by Thaddeus C. Breen of E-mail archaeologists addresses of professional archaeologists, postgraduate students and companies archaeologists working in, or doing research into, Irish archaeology.
  • O'Sullivan, Muiris - Detailed profile of this University College Dublin Lecturer. europe Research interests archaeologists include the Irish Neolithic in its europe European context and the archaeologists destruction of the archaeological europe landscape.
  • Kelly, Dorothy - Brief profile of this University College Dublin Professor. archaeologists Research interests ireland include the materials of Ireland\\'s Golden archaeologists Age, 700-1000AD, including stone ireland carving, precious metalwork and archaeologists illuminated manuscripts.
  • Russell, Ian - Research interests include modern and contemporary art, heritage ireland and museum studies and Irish history.
  • Raftery, Barry - Brief Profile of this University College Dublin Professor. Research interests archaeologists include the Iron Age of Ireland, Britain and Europe in archaeologists all its aspects, but especially on the metalwork and the archaeologists art of the period.

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