Intellectual Property Issues Society
Richard Stallman's famous parable about the Right to Read, and what will happen if intellectual monopoly laws continue to grow.
Top: Society: Issues: Intellectual Property
See Also:
- Top/Reference/Libraries/Library and Information Science/Intellectual Freedom
- Top/Arts/Literature/Electronic Text Archives
- Top/Society/Issues/Human Rights and Liberties/Free Speech
- Top/Society/Issues/Property Rights
- Top/Society/Law/Legal Information/Intellectual Property
- Top/Computers/Open Source
- Top/Reference/Open Access Resources
- Roundtable - 98.09 - An Atlantic Unbound roundtable on the future of intellectual property intellectual issues property and copyright law in the digital intellectual property age
- Library Juice Copyright Issue - A supplement to the weekly e-zine Library Juice issues from September, 2000, devoted to the political and issues philosophical issues of intellectual property, especially as they issues relate to libraries and the internet.
- A Politics Of Intellectual Property: Environmentalism for the Net? by James Boyle - Paper by James Boyle calling for reduction of issues intellectual property issues laws, to be achieved by political issues machination inspired by the issues environmental movement.
- International IP Law Forum - Features ideas and opinions on issues related to issues establishing and issues protecting intellectual property.
- Brian Martin: Against intellectual property - An Australian university gives a powerful case against intellectual property "intellectual property" laws. Includes a long bibliography of intellectual property books supporting the point.
- The Guardian - "Intellectual Property" is a Silly Euphemism - According to the author, owning a song or intellectual property a society piece of writing isn\\'t like owning a intellectual property television, and society to call it anyone\'s "property" is intellectual property seriously misleading.
- The Register - Sneaky Cable Crypto Scheme in the Works - Article exposing that the cable television industry is moving to issues implement a copy protection scheme that will allow movie studios issues and cable providers to control what viewers are able to issues record.
- Mid-Atlantic Infoshop - Against Intellectual Property - A page critical of copyrights, trademarks, and intellectual society property.
- - Examining, chronicling, and battling the censorship attempts of intellectual property laws. Contains user contributed articles and news feeds.
- Excess Copyright - A blog about excess in Canadian and international intellectual property copyright intellectual property law, trademarks law and patent law. By intellectual property Howard Knopf, intellectual property a jurist practicing Intellectual Property law intellectual property in Canada.
- Weaving Webs of Ownership: Intellectual Property in an Information Age - Debora J. Halbert\\'s doctoral dissertation in progress concerning issues on intellectual property laws in the West.
- Copyright: Guardian of Intellectual Property - Guide to computer ethics issues and current news issues includes an intellectual property introduction to the problematic copyright issues issues raised by digital media.
- Wired - The Eagle Is Grounded - Article comparing today\\'s toughening of US intellectual property intellectual property laws intellectual property to help given to the US shipping intellectual property industry 30 intellectual property years ago, resulting in even greater intellectual property losses for US intellectual property firms, higher prices, and frustrated intellectual property consumers.
- The Mark is the Beast - An article describing the change in the usage of trademarks, intellectual property and how it stifles our use of our own language.
- The GNU Manifesto - The last name in software freedom...this outlines the intellectual property reasons society that "Gnu's Not Unix" produces free software.
- University of Toronto Fraud - A PhD student alleges theft of intellectual property.
- Intellectual Property Rights Overview - The W3C\\'s take on intellectual property rights in society the Information society Age.
- The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind - Professor James Boyle\\'s site discussing the balance between intellectual property intellectual property and the public domain -- including intellectual property free downloadable versions of his Yale University Press intellectual property book on the subject.
- IPKat - Weblog covering copyright, patent, trade mark and privacy/confidentiality issues issues from issues a mainly UK and European perspective.
- Copyright Law and Independent Creation Theory - Complaining that the law of independent creation allows issues the theft society of music.
- Giftfile Project - A project to enable authors of computer files issues containing nonproprietary intellectual property intellectual works (free music, literature, software) issues and their supporters (including intellectual property fans, users) to participate issues in a gift economy.
- A Primer On the Ethics of "Intellectual Property" - This primer provides a general framework for freeing intellectual property any information covered under copyright and patent laws.
- Information Liberation: Against Intellectual Property - A chapter from the book Information Liberation, written intellectual property by Brian Martin.
- IP Future - This group is organized to promote discussion of intellectual property intellectual society property laws worldwide. It is hoped that intellectual property a network society of interested people can come together intellectual property to begin discussing society a future for intellectual property intellectual property law which balances the society needs of people with intellectual property the
- Intellectual Property Compensation Via Tipping - Article that proposes (with case studies) that tipping issues may be issues a viable compensation model for intellectual issues property (such as music issues and books).
- The Right to Read - Richard Stallman\\'s famous parable about the Right to Read, and society what will happen if intellectual monopoly laws continue to grow.
- Free Intellectual Property Exchange (FreeIPX) - A news and discussion site dedicated to critical society analysis of the use, abuse, and relevance of society IP Law. [Slash-style site]
- Intellectual Property at the National Academies - A guide to the Academies\\' documents and publications on Intellectual Property and a forum to discuss ongoing work.
- Stanford Center for Internet and Society's Fair Use Project (FUP) - Provides legal support to a range of projects designed to intellectual property clarify, and extend, the boundaries of "fair use" in order intellectual property to enhance creative freedom.
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